18 – 26 September 2016

After a two-year wait, VSP welcomed back Somerset College from Australia. The trip, beginning in Chiang Mai on 18 September and ending in Bangkok, eight days later, runs every other year. While in Chiang Mai they had the chance to immerse themselves in Thai culture – getting a glimpse at local life by means of a bike tour through Huay Sai village, where the Traidhos campus is based.

The bike tour was not only a chance for the students to see Huay Sai village in some of its best light (rice fields for as far as the eye can see) it also gave them the opportunity to see some of the local industries that have stood the test of time, such as the old rice mill – a fascinating machine that fills up an entire building. They also visited a family-run basket weaving business, where the students got to see the different steps involved in making some sturdy bamboo baskets and learn about the economic details of this labour-intensive work.

See the photos for a few of the other activities they enjoyed while in Chiang Mai!