Themes and Connections
Our trips focus on elements with a watershed and are delivered using Environmental Education techniques: observation, investigation, interview, story, role play, games, experiments and reflection.
All our programs are unique and tailor-made according to the specific needs of each group.
Our programs focus on elements of a watershed and can connect to a specified curriculum topic to support and enhance classroom learning.
Teambuilding activities and sustainability initiatives are also incorporated into our programs.

Rivers where dynamic life giving forces shape the land with physical features and support rich vegetation. Rivers where humans fight to coexist and control the sustainable waterway systems.
Take a boat ride, observe how humans are using and changing the river, study structures of bridges and riverside buildings, consider our role as part of the watershed, investigate what lives in and near the river, think about why rivers are important, observe impacts of flooding.
Take a boat ride. Observe the river as a system and make suggestions as to how it can be more sustainable. Create a water quality index based on 9 parameters. Consider pollution sources and impacts. Undertake a land use survey and create land use maps.
Sample the river at different points to support your hypothesis, consider issues of saltwater intrusion and land subsidence as global sea levels rise, investigate the treatment of waste water and the responsibility of human developments. Explore the values individuals and societies place on water sources.
Spend time on Thailand's major river to appreciate why it is known as the Lifeblood of Thailand and the River of Kings. Investigate riverside communities and participate in early morning alms giving.

Mountains where headwaters begin and high levels of precipitation result in many small streams and watersheds. Mountains where specialized ecosystems are at play and human activity adapts for survival.
Mountain stream investigations, altitude adaptations of flora and fauna, hiking, interviewing local people, comparisons with school environment.
Carry out water quality tests, investigate biodiversity, consider the sustainability of mountain systems, research Royal Projects, hike and camp.
Develop hypothesis, collect data using different field sampling techniques participate in a service learning project with mountain communities, consider global issues at play on mountains.
Enjoy homestay in a mountain village, explore the culture and biodiversity of mountains while trekking.

Historical where human settlement and development across the years coexists with the natural environment. Historical sites tell the stories of Thailand and its connections with the wider world.
Observe and identify primary and secondary sources of evidence. Consider the work of archaelogists and historians. Study structures and building materials, hear stories to bring the sites alive, meet people who care for the sites. Consider the relationship between the natural resources of the area and the original development of the place. Develop empathy for the people who used to live in these places.
Investigate the site from different perspectives of different stake holders. Visit UNESO World Heritage sites and consider how this international status supports sustainability. Re enact events at specific sites after research using primary and secondary sources. Identify settlement patterns.
Please contact us with your specific requests
Consider the architecture and significance of UNESCO historical sites and compare to buildings / events in your home country.
Learn the stories of places you explore and their connection to the world stage. Unwrap the cultural significance of each place.

Wetlands where nature demonstrates its ability to adjust to seasonal rhythms. Wetlands where humans harvest natural resources for economic gain
Use models to understand the concept of a wetland. Investigate relationships, connections and adaptations in a wetland. Observe plant and animals species living in a wetland. Observe how people use wetlands.
Investigate the range of plants and the adaptations needed to survive in a wetland. Investigate and observe animal life. Consider the role of wetlands from perspectives of different stakeholders, discover local wisdom using wetland products. Discuss the role of RAMSAR in conserving wetlands.
Carry out field sampling techniques to understand more about species richness and species diversity, water and soil sampling. Interview researchers to better understand the role of wetlands.
Explore communities making a living from natural resources connected to wetlands. Observe the biodiversity of Thailand's wetlands and consider how the protection of global wetlands will contribute to the global goals.
Cultural where local wisdom understands the natural environment. Cultural sites where people celebrate their identity.
Use temple paintings/ murals to discover about Thai culture and traditions, visit traditional houses and temples and observe unique features. Use local resources to play traditional games and make local snacks. Join workshops with artisans. Debate positive and negative ways that modern life is changing traditions.
Participate in Morning alms giving and explore how buddhism plays out in Thailand today. Interview a monk or a nun. Participate in workshops with local artisans. Investigate local wisdom and how natural resources are part of local culture. Hear the stories that are told through traditional dances and music. Meet with village leaders / headman to interview about changes to traditions in their community. Consider how culture contributes to the sustainability of a place.
Please contact us with your specific requirements
Participate in Morning alms giving and explore how buddhism plays out in Thailand today. Interview a monk or a nun. Participate in workshops with local artisans. Investigate local wisdom and how natural resources are part of local culture. Hear the stories that are told through traditional dances and music. Compare with similar events in your own culture.

Forests where keystone and framework species connect yesterday and tomorrow. Forests where humans retreat for recreation and wellbeing.
develop curiosity and wonder while hiking and observing plants and animals. Investigate the connections and food chains that are at work, practice the skills of a naturalist while bird watching and animal spotting.
Spend an extended time on forest trails, consider fragmentation of land and the impact on biodiversity, carry out field population counts, interview with rangers and conservationists, experience the night world of the forest while camping.
Carry out field sampling techniques to understand more about species richness and species diversity, water and soil sampling. Interview researchers to better understand the system of the forest. Hike and camp.
Discover Thailand's tropical and hill forests and investigate the species who make it their home. Meet Rangers involved with conservation and consider how working towards the global goals targets will impact our shared world.

Marine where rivers reach the sea and mangroves protect the fragile coastline. Marine environments where humans develop tourism and wonder at the plastic on the sand.
Explore the characteristics of beach and mangrove habitats, investigate conservation projects, participate in beach clean ups. Interview fisherfolk to learn about the life and sustainability of their community, compare the marine environment with your school area.
Explore the interactions and interconnections between habitats within the marine environment. Investigate the impact of tourism on marine environments. Consider the role of natural resources for income generation. Study a conservation effort and contribute to marine conservation.
Create hypothesis and carry out field sampling techniques to understand more about species in your choice of habitat: rocky shore, muddy shore, sandy shore, estuary, mangrove and sea grass.
Thailand is famous for its beaches and marine environments. While you enjoy snorkelling and kayaking in amazing environments you will investigate the role of sustainable tourism in the south of Thailand with visits to community based enterprises and cultural experiences.