VSP Stories
Voices from Visiting Schools
Being the trusted partner of our Visiting Schools is one of our biggest goals. Therefore, your satisfaction is very important to us.
Let's hear what Visiting Schools have to say about VSP team and experiences they had with us. A big thank you for your positive feedback
and we look forward to a further successful collaboration!

International School Bangkok (ISB)
"We very much appreciated the excellent communication with VSP. At no point did we feel that we were unsure of procedures or events. Even with this being our first camp to Traidhos, we felt that we had an excellent understanding of the program before we arrived".
Natalie, Teacher
Visit date: February 2023

International School
As always, thank you for your support and hard work in creating an amazing experiential learning program for our students. It was a wonderful experience for all, and so much fantastic learning happened.
Richard E. Poulin III
Head of Middle School
Visit date : November 2024

Visiting School Name
Visiting School's feedback